Welcome to
Made to be Well
We are passionate to serve you with cutting edge, exciting information to be healthy and whole
YOU were made to be WELL
There is hope
You were Made to be Well
We are passionate to serve you with cutting edge, exciting information to be healthy and whole.
YOU were made to be WELL.
Meet Gerrie Lindeque, MD
He obtained his MD degree from the University of Pretoria, South Africa and also holds a diploma in anaesthetics from the College of Medicine, South Africa. He has certification in emergency medicine and served on the board of the Association for Restorative Medicine.
He spent five years in a rural practice in Canada during which time he gradually started incorporating nutritional modalities into his practice. For the past 20 years his focus has been on integrative medicine. His desire to understand the root causes of a disease leads him to study the work of other doctors and researchers and he regularly attends international conferences. He is a popular guest speaker at conferences in the United States.
He has a great understanding of the biochemical processes and detoxification systems of the human body. His passion is to fulfill a God-given calling by helping people live long and healthy lives through lifestyle changes.
Dr Lindeque has great success in the treatment of various disorders including:
- Cancer Diabetes Heart & Organ
- Failure Hormonal problems Auto-immune
- Disorders Autism
He also practices:
Prolotherapy (joint and ligament reconstruction therapy, by use of the injection of natural proliferate solutions to help patients avoid orthopaedic surgery whenever possible.)
- Medical laser therapy
- RBTI (Reems biological theory of ionisation)
- Advanced Hormonal therapy
- The advanced use of medical peptides
- Wilson’s Thyroid therapy
About us
We are a brother-sister team with a passion for health and wellness.
We want to invite you into our practices and homes and bring you a message of hope. Come and taste and see that the Lord is good. He has made you to be well and whole and He has a pathway for health for you.
Our vision is to introduce you to health solutions and show you that pathway of health.